Saturday, September 27, 2008

Essay 2 Plastic Surgery

It is common that everyone wants to be more beautiful and attractive. People pay attention to how to make themselves look better. Especially to girls and women, they spend amount of money on clothes, hairdressing, makeup and so on. But some of them can not be satisfied with those things anymore. They are looking for a natural way to make themselves look more charming and attractive. As the emergence of the plastic surgery, some people think that it’s the best way to make their dreams come true so they spend a large amount of money on it without hesitation. As plastic surgery is becoming more and more popular with people, a social issue is emerging too. Some people think that plastic surgery has great benefit to human being, but the rest don’t agree with that, they think it is very harmful for health. But in my opinion, everything has two sides, I think plastic surgery has both advantage and disadvantage.

On the one hand, plastic surgery can help people solve their physical deficiencies and then make them become more confident. For example, I have a friend who were very self-contemptous before because of her ugly teeth. She were used to hiding herself and seldom talked with others. But now she is vivacious and confident after the orthodontic treatment.
On the other hand, many plastic surgeries result in side effects. From TV I got the news about a woman who lost her ability of walking after the liposution.

So we have to realise both of these two facts and think about it carefully. As the product of modern medicine, plastic surgery is a great work of human being. But it also needs to be improved.

1 comment:

essay best said...

Not much of a fan of plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes. See so many faces and personalities ruined by it. Takes the natural look away. But, do applaud its services otherwise.